
神田 開主

1986 Born in Saitama Prefecture,Japan
2009- Photographer

2009-2011 Nippon Photography Institute,Postgraduate Course
2006-2009 Nippon Photography Institute,Photo Art Course

2019 “Line of sight / fall” at TAP Gallery Tokyo Japan
2019 “Line of sight / summer” at TAP Gallery Tokyo Japan
2019 “Line of sight / winter” at TAP Gallery Tokyo Japan
2019 “Line of sight” at Epsite Tokyo Japan
2016 “Wall” at Tosei-sha Tokyo Japan
2016 “Wall” at Nikon Salon in Ginza and Osaka
2014 “Walking On a Map” at Nikon Salon in Ginza
2012 “Map as Recollection” at Nikon Salon in Shinjuku and Osaka
2009 “Night Sky Noon” at Nikon Salon in Shinjuku and Osaka

Group Event
2018 “BAUM vol.0 shape of Memento” at LE DECO shibuya Japan
2015 “The here in there” at Salon de Vert Komoro Japan

2016 “Wall” Tosei-sha Tokyo Japan
2014 “Walking On a Map” Tosei-sha Tokyo Japan